Naša misija je da podržimo online prodavce tako što ćemo voditi računa o svim logističkim procesima i osloboditi njihovo vreme za razvoj svog brenda.
Zahtevaj ponuduPakovanje
Pakujemo i šaljemo sve porudžbine istog radnog dana.
Prilagođeno pakovanje prema vašem standardu.
Video snimak svake upakovane pošiljke.
Skladišne lokacije u tri ključne zemlje - Bugarskoj, Srbiji i Slovačkoj.
Troškovi za osoblje i upravljanje skladištem su eliminisani.
Ne plaćate za prazan prostor u magacinu, samo za utrošenu količinu.
Softver sa potpunom transparentnošću i praćenjem porudžbina u realnom vremenu.
Integracija sa preko 15 kurira sa isporukama širom sveta.
Analiza uspešno isporučenih, vraćenih ili reklamacijskih naloga.
Pakujemo i šaljemo sve porudžbine istog radnog dana.
Prilagođeno pakovanje prema vašem standardu.
Video snimak svake upakovane pošiljke.
Skladišne lokacije u tri ključne zemlje - Bugarskoj, Srbiji i Slovačkoj.
Troškovi za osoblje i upravljanje skladištem su eliminisani.
Ne plaćate za prazan prostor u magacinu, samo za utrošenu količinu.
Softver sa potpunom transparentnošću i praćenjem porudžbina u realnom vremenu.
Integracija sa preko 15 kurira sa isporukama širom sveta.
Analiza uspešno isporučenih, vraćenih ili reklamacijskih naloga.
Kliknite na zemlju i pogledajte vreme isporuke.
Lokacije naših skladišta
Direct Linehaul
Dostavite svoje pakete u Rumuniju za jedan dan!
BigArena Fullfilment je pokrenuo jednodnevnu liniju isporuke lokalnim kuririma u Rumuniji.
Zahtevaj ponuduLogistika vaše online prodavnice je udaljena samo jedan klik.
BigArena je razvila fleksibilan softver za obradu porudžbina koji automatizuje procese i eliminiše greške pri preuzimanju i pakovanju.
Sistem vam omogućava da budete u toku sa dostupnošću zaliha i porudžbinama, gde god da se nalazite - sa računara ili mobilnog uređaja.
Imate informacije u realnom vremenu i kontrolu nad vašim porudžbinama i njihovim trenutnim statusom: spakovano, isporučeno, vraćeno.
Šta ćete još dobiti:
- Uspešne isporuke, procesuiranje povrata i analiza reklamacija
- Video snimanje svake upakovanje pošiljke
- Automatizovani računovodstveni izveštaj
- Kreiranje dosijea revizije
- Izdavanje elektronskih priznanica
Integracija sa vašom platformom
Besprekorna integracija je ključni faktor pri prepuštanju vaše logistike profesionalnom fulfilment centru.
Uz odgovarajuću komunikaciju između vašeg sistema i BigArena-e, bićete sigurni da se sve porudžbine, adrese, statusi i informacije o dostupnosti prenose tačno.
Danas imate priliku da prodajete sa više platformi, zato BigArena ima gotove integracije za najpopularnije platforme za e-trgovinu, kao i sopstveni API za ostale sisteme.
Pitajte naš tim
Naši stručnjaci su uvek tu da odgovore na sva vaša pitanja o spoljnoj logistici i uslugama BigArena.
(+381) 638 723 991
PozoviŠta kažu
Sa BigAren-om sam skoro godinu dana i mogu reći da sam veoma zadovoljan uslugama koje smo do sada pružili. Uvek nam poklanjaju pažnju i čine sve da budemo zadovoljni. Veoma sam zadovoljan njima i toplo preporučujem njihove usluge.
BigArena Fullfilment tim je neodvojivi deo naše kompanije i jedan od naših omiljenih partnera. Profesionalci koji ispunjavaju naša visoka očekivanja i specifične zahteve. Oni savršeno izvode i naše B2C i B2B projekte, koji često imaju fiksne rokove i nestandardne parametre. Uvek obraćaju pažnju na detalje i uspešno automatizuju procese kako bi postigli bržu i kvalitetniju uslugu našim klijentima. Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, to su divni ljudi sa kojima je zadovoljstvo raditi.
Tim BigArena-e čine veliki profesionalci.
Ako želite da vaše vreme bude potpuno fokusirano
na prodaju i znate da imate pouzdanog partnera
za logistiku vaše robe - to su ti LJUDI.
Brzo, tačno, uvek na vreme i odlični ljudi!
BigArena nam je pokazala da je profesinalni fullfilment uvek bolje rešenje. Pokušavali smo to sami da radimo dve godine i nisam mislio da postoji bolji način. Zbog ogromnog obima porudžbina morali smo da outsource-ujemo naše procese. Na sreću, upoznali smo se sa BigArena-om. Govorimo o najboljem softveru u zemlji, sa potpunom transparentnošću i sledljivošću. Naše pošiljke su uvek spakovane na vreme! U našoj najvećoj akciji sa 37.000 pošiljki sve je upakovano i isporučeno u roku od 5 dana. Naše neuspele isporuke su pale ispod 2.5%. Iz iskustva govorim da prelazak na tako profesionalnu uslugu ima ogroman, pozitivan efekat na poslovanje. Danas razmišljamo o tome kako da osvojimo kupce i razvijemo brend, a BigArena se brine za ostalo.
Dobijte ponudu za vaše online poslovanje
Pošalji upitPrednosti usluge fulfilmenta
Termin "fullfilment" dolazi iz engleskog jezika i predstavlja proces skladištenja, pakovanja i obrade narudžbi u online prodavnici od strane logističkog partnera .
Outrsourcing logistika je pogodna usluga kako za start-up tako i za online prodavnice sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom koje žele da optimizuju svoje vreme i troškove.
Koja je cena ove vrste aktivnosti u Srbiji?
Naknade su podeljene u nekoliko različitih kategorija.
Površina paleta: Prilikom prijema artikala u naše skladište, mi ih merimo, a zatim softver automatski izračunava prostor koji će zauzeti. Kako se predmeti prodaju, zauzeti volumen opada. Da bi se izbeglo plaćanje vazduha, skladišna naknada se se formuliše na dnevnoj bazi softverom, bez ljudske intervencije.
Prostor za pakovanje: Sastoji se od polica za slaganje sa posebnim odeljcima gde svaki jedinstveni predmet zauzima svoju poziciju. Svaki od njih je plaćen i ima bar kod koji obezbeđuje sprečavanje grešaka u pakovanju.
Naknada za pakovanje: varira u zavisnosti od prosečnog broja pošiljki koje šaljete mesečno. I najbolje od svega, ovu naknadu plaćate samo kada imate pošiljke.
Dostava: Zahvaljujući ogromnom obimu pošiljki koje realizujemo svakodnevno, radeći sa nama dobijate maksimalne popuste na kurirske tarife, kako za Srbiju tako i za Evropu.
Koje su prednosti fulfilment usluga?
Širenje poslovanja u nove zemlje.
Uvođenje vašeg poslovanja u što više zemalja je odlična prilika. Mnogi prodavci se muče zbog nedostatka vremena da istraže tržišta i dobiju dobre cene isporuke. Uz našu pomoć, moći ćete da prodajete širom sveta dok mi skladištimo, šaljemo i pratimo svaku pojedinačnu pošiljku.
Skladištenje proizvoda
Posedujemo moderno skladište "A" klase gde će vaš inventar uvek biti dobro organizovan. Možete proveriti svoje zalihe u realnom vremenu, čak i preko telefona.
Prihvatanje i obrada naloga
Kao što je gore pomenuto, naša usluga je pogodna i za početnike i za iskusne online prodavce. Zašto?
Za napredne online prodavce - sa ogromnim obimom isporuka, kvalitet i brzina fullfilment-a opadaju, a to dovodi do gubitka kupaca. Tu je naša uloga veoma važna za reputaciju i privlačenje dugoročnih lojalnih kupaca.
Prijem i obrada vraćenih paketa
Pored slanja i skladištenja vaših proizvoda, takođe prihvatamo i obrađujemo vraćene porudžbine. Mi ćemo se pobrinuti da ako kupac vrati pošiljku, obavestimo vas, obradimo i vratimo artikle na zalihe što je pre moguće.
Početnici se svakako snalaze sa obradom svojih porudžbina, ali ne mogu da dobiju kurirske popuste kao što mi možemo da im damo, bez obzira na broj pošiljki koje realizuju. Ovo je odličan razlog da počnu da sarađuju sa nama od samog početka.
Slanje porudžbina i rad sa kuririma
BIgArena Fullfilment centar radi sa kuririma od poverenja iz celog sveta. Bez obzira gde u svetu šaljete, vaši paket će biti praćeni.
Dodante prateće aktivnosti
Call centar – Potvrda porudžbine telefonom je korisna usluga jer smanjuje procenat vraćenih pošiljki.
Digitalni marketing – Zahvaljujući našem dugogodišnjem iskustvu u online marketignu, imamo tim stručnjaka koji znaju kako da se ne samo oglašavaju, već i da prodaju online.
Poslovne konsultacije – Bez obzira na pitanja koja imate, mi smo tu da odgovorimo. Nudimo i lične i online konsultacije uz unapred zakazane termine..
Najveća prednost u odnosu na druge centre u zemlji je naš prilagođeni skladišni softver.
Što su procesi tehnološki automatizovaniji, to je kvalitet usluge veći. Svi naši napori su upravo u ovom pravcu.
Whether you are thinking of starting an e-commerce business and are new to the venture, or have been selling products for a while, you have probably thought about warehousing your products, shipping, and order fulfillment. Of course, earning funds is the exciting part, but what happens after a customer places an order on your online store? Somehow, your product has to end up in the hands of customers. There are three main ways for this to happen:
- You send the products to a company that will fulfill the orders for you.
- You complete your own errands, whether alone or with a team.
- You work with a logistics company that will handle your warehousing and order fulfillment.
E-commerce has become even more popular in the last few years. For 2019, 14.1% of all sales were made online, which equates to a turnover of 3.5 trillion US dollars. The trend is that by 2023, online sales will reach a share of 22% of all sales. In the times we live in, many people have turned to online commerce in order for their businesses to survive. The successful process of an electronic sale goes through the selection of the right product, its adequate positioning in the market, reaching the desired audience of customers, the sale of the product itself and the final, the preparation of the shipment and its delivery to the customer. Larger industries have the resources to use third-party services, but smaller businesses may not have this option. Then they complete their orders completely independently.
There are clear benefits to packing and shipping your own orders yourself: the most flexible and cheapest method. For these reasons, companies that are just starting out and those that are already established and have a large number of shipments to pack and deliver often choose to handle their own logistics themselves.
But if your business is growing rapidly and you have the money for this service, you may be interested in our fulfillment service for warehousing and order fulfillment. There are many logistics companies that will store your product and take care of packing and shipping your products. Working with logistics companies can be intimidating if you've never done it before. With that in mind, we'll walk you through every step of the process.
What is the Fulfillment service
The ”Fulfillment” service is a third-party warehouse that prepares and ships your orders for you. The work is carried out by a fulfillment center for fulfillment. The services they offer are ideal for businesses that don't want to deal with overseas shipping or have outgrown their existing warehousing capabilities to the point where they can no longer ship orders.
In other words, the fulfillment service represents the entire process of servicing an electronic store. It includes all stages from the very acceptance of the orders, through their processing, storage, packaging and delivery to the end user.
What are the main activities included in the Bulgaria fulfillment service?
Although each fulfillment center works a little differently, they all accomplish the same thing: they act as a command center for all your shipment preparation and delivery needs. Fulfillment service centers are also used as warehouses to store goods, allowing you to keep larger stocks of the product.
Some service providers have multiple fulfillment centers, allowing them to serve different geographic locations faster than if they had just one. This allows e-commerce companies to offer fast and affordable delivery to a diverse customer base. But the services include not only this, but also:
- Accepting orders
- Create a list of order items
- Packaging all items according to e-store standards
- Inspection and processing of returned shipments
- Collect all items from the warehouse
- Sorting/sending shipments in Bulgaria and abroad
- Preparation of bills of lading, issuance of other accompanying documents for each individual shipment
- Request and Delivery to Courier
Or activities can be described in 3 steps:
Fulfillment companies start from the same point - the logical storage of products. It is a true mark of trustworthiness for the name of online retailers if the ordered products are received within the promised time.
Order processing
There are many ways to receive a customer's order. Order information may be recorded by a sales agent, collected on the web store, or received through a publication. Next is finding the items ordered in the warehouse. With the e-commerce model, this is made easier if the company maintains its online inventory as well as offers active accounts to its customers.
Ordered items must then be packaged for delivery to the correct address and customers notified when orders are on their way.
Return and Exchange Policies
Once a satisfied customer receives the ordered product, that order can be considered "fulfilled", but what happens when the customer is not satisfied? Return and exchange policies become important at this point. Fulfillment companies fulfilling the order continue to solve the problems in favor of both the client and the seller. When customers want to return or exchange items, the fulfillment company takes care of that as well. The order fulfillment process is truly at the heart of customer satisfaction and business growth.
Fulfillment Price?
Services are usually billed by the hour or per shipment/pallet. Suppliers add costs for receiving, storage, pick and pack, shipping, returns, custom packaging, gift services and more. Most businesses then apply transactional (eg, pickup, delivery) and recurring (eg, storage fees) fees. But each fee is different depending on what shipment will be delivered and which company will do the delivery.
3 reasons/benefits why you should choose Fulfillment for your online store?
1. Seasonal flexibility
According to the National Retail Federation, nearly 20 percent of all annual retail sales occur between November 1 and December 31.
With so much seasonal business activity, even seasoned e-commerce merchants often find they need to bring in temporary workers or invest in new capital equipment to keep orders up to speed.
Having orders fulfilled by a fulfillment company allows retailers to avoid the need to hire and train interns or purchase new machinery or the like. Instead, the retailer simply needs to ensure that the product is in stock and trust the service provider. In this way, the trader has full seasonal flexibility. When holiday sales pile up, fulfillment service drives the dramatic spike.
2. Lower shipping costs
Free shipping is an extremely popular marketing tool. Whether merchants absorb shipping costs to offer free shipping or pass those costs on to consumers, it makes sense to do everything possible to reduce shipping costs.
With this in mind, using a fulfillment service company with warehouses spread across the country can help reduce the number of deliveries. Most package delivery services offer prices based - at least in part - on where the packages are traveling. By placing inventory in several regional warehouses, retailers can reduce costs, which in turn can become a competitive advantage.
3. You reach new markets
Online retailers can also use delivery services to expand their business into new markets without having to invest in infrastructure or many additional employees. And so in time you can sell your products in new foreign countries as well!
In this article you will learn:
- What is e-commerce fulfillment?
- What do fulfillment services include and why are they important?
- How do you know when it's time to hire an eCommerce fulfillment company?
- Benefits of outsourcing e-commerce to a fulfillment partner
The success of your online business depends on many factors that are not always visible to customers. Although order fulfillment involves processes that may not look as glamorous as marketing and company branding, they are no less important.
Choosing the right fulfillment partner will help your online business grow with ease. This way you will ensure professional product management, quality service to your customers and fulfillment of orders by an experienced team.
This material will inform you of everything you need to know when it comes to order fulfillment.
What is fullfilment for e-commerce?
First, let's understand what is fulfillment? This is, in the simplest terms, outsourcing of your company's logistics, and this service includes everything: from warehousing and storage of products to fulfillment, distribution and delivery. Your fulfillment partner can handle all your online order fulfillment needs.
The moment an order is completed from the online store, your fulfillment partner has the task of ensuring that it is delivered to the customer smoothly and on time. There can be many twists and turns along the way, so the right implementation strategy must be tailored for each business.
What do fulfillment services involve and why are they important?
In general, the execution of the order includes:
- Receiving the goods
- Inventory storage and forecasting
- Collection and packing (also known as order processing)
- Assembly and packaging products (if applicable)
- Delivery
- Order Returns
Order fulfillment is extremely important - without it, e-commerce would not exist - after all, customers buy products with the expectation of receiving what they ordered and in an acceptable time frame. How successful your business will be in the long run depends on it.
How do you know when it's time to hire our e-commerce support company?
When you find that you no longer have the time or resources to complete your errands on your own, it's time to contact a company to outsource these tasks to. At first glance, it may seem great that your company is growing at such a pace and that you have more orders than you can handle yourself. However, this moment of victory can quickly turn into a moment of chaos if there is a delay in fulfilling what your customers ordered.
A company with experience in fulfillment services will save you time and money while supporting the entire fulfillment process with modern warehouse management technology. If you hire such a company, you don't need a warehouse to store and ship your products or hire employees to help you. You will be able to free up space in your home or garage because your inventory will now be stored in a safe and secure storage facility. The fulfillment service provider has dedicated order management and automation systems to optimize inventory.
Benefits of outsourcing e-commerce to a partner like BigArena
A reliable order fulfillment service provider will be able to provide your company with these benefits:
- Flexibility and Scalability
The fulfillment partner will have enough space for your inventory and the ability to scale seamlessly as your business grows.
- Hiring an experienced company
A good company offering fulfillment services can offer specific solutions and strategies to increase the success of your business. Also, you can get specialized advice to improve the customer experience.
- No warehouse rent and employee hiring
One of the biggest advantages of hiring a fulfillment company is that it saves you a lot of responsibility. You will not have to commit to the rental of storage and packaging premises, nor to the hiring of staff. Part of the fulfillment services include the use of warehouses and experienced professionals who specialize in order fulfillment.
- World-class infrastructure and technology
Providers of quality fulfillment services have optimal infrastructure and reliable technology with which they guarantee the smooth running of order fulfillment processes. Using these systems can help you manage your inverter and get real-time information on the status of orders.
- Dedicated account management and customer service
While automated systems are definitely necessary, quality customer service from on-line professionals is essential. Having an account manager dedicated to their support and order tracking will give you peace of mind and security.
- Reduced shipping costs
Using the distribution network of fulfillment service providers, you may receive lower quotes and reduced shipping costs.
Using fulfillment services will not only help you organize all the logistics of your online business without you having to actively participate in this process. You can save time, reduce order fulfillment costs and improve the customer experience.
All this can take your business to another level and reach new and large markets. We, at BigArena fulfilment, offer everything necessary for the quality execution of orders.
The term fulfillment comes from the English language and represents the process of storing, packaging and fulfilling orders of an online store by a logistics partner.
As online shopping and e-commerce begin to see significantly greater growth than brick-and-mortar, it is becoming increasingly imperative that e-store logistics be automated, expeditious and cost-effective.
Using fulfillment services is a great option for any online business, both those starting out and those with years of experience. In both cases, your partnership with a fulfillment operator will help to optimize your time, costs and increase the number of your loyal customers.
In recent years, Fulfillment in Bulgaria has become an increasingly popular service precisely because of the multitude of benefits.
What is the price of this type of activity in Bulgaria?
Fulfillment fees are divided into several different categories.
- Pallet area. When receiving each item in our warehouse, we measure its dimensions, after which our warehouse software automatically multiplies the size by the availability, and thus we understand how much space your goods actually occupy. When the items are sold, the occupied volume also decreases. In order to optimize your costs and not pay for air, the warehouse fee is formulated on a daily basis by software, without human intervention.
- Packaging area. This is the speed packing area for your shipments. It is constructed from styles with special sections where each unique item takes its place. Each of them is paid for and has a barcode that ensures the prevention of packaging errors.
- Package fee. It varies based on the average number of shipments you make per month. And the best part is that you only pay this rate when you have shipments. Which again saves you a financial resource.
- Delivery. Thanks to the huge volume of shipments that we carry out daily, working with us you will receive the maximum discounts on courier prices, both for Bulgaria and Europe.
Our fulfilment activities will save you costs and, above all, time to devote to yourself and the more important units of your business. Get a personalized quote by completing the following survey. Our employee will contact you within the same working day.
What are the advantages of Filfilment services?
Expand your business to new countries.
Getting your business into as many countries as possible is a great opportunity. Many online merchants struggle due to the lack of time to research markets and get good shipping rates. With our Fulfillment offers you will be able to sell worldwide without having to take any action. We will store, ship and track every single shipment.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
Come to our Fulfillment warehouse, which is located in the city of Plovdiv at the address Golyamokonarsko shose 29, to discuss how we can be of service to you.
And now a little more about the advantages of working with us, warehousing and handling shipments:
Storage of goods
Many companies face problems in storing their goods and have to do exhaustive audits to know the availability of their products. We have a large-scale and functionally impressive modern class "A" warehouse, where your inventory will always be well organized and you will be able to track your stock availability in real time, even through your phone.
It is an interesting fact Fulfillment services that globally the service is so widespread that most merchants conclude contracts with fulfillment partners even before starting their online business.
Accepting and processing orders
As we mentioned above, our fulfillment service is suitable for both start-ups and established online merchants. Why?
Beginners can certainly handle the fulfillment of their orders, but they cannot get the courier discounts that we can give them regardless of the number of shipments they make. This is a great prerequisite for them to start partnering with us from the very beginning.
For advanced online traders, we are a great option that supports faster and stable development in any direction. With the huge volume of shipments, the quality and speed of execution drop, and this inevitably leads to the loss of customers. Here, our role is extremely important for reputation and attracting long-term loyal customers. Therefore, using fulfilment companies, you will be able to maintain the good image and professionalism needed for every business.
You will always be ahead of your competitors, and that is the desire of every entrepreneur.
Acceptance and processing of returned shipments
In addition to the delivery and storage of your goods, we also offer acceptance and processing of returned orders. Another burden you can get rid of and not think about. We will make sure that if a customer returns your shipment, we notify you, process it and return it to stock as quickly and efficiently as possible, so that both you and the customer are satisfied.
Dispatch of orders and work with couriers
BigArena fulfillment center works with trusted couriers from all over the world. No matter where in the world you ship, your shipments will be tracked. For us, this is a mandatory condition in order to guarantee security and transparency in the processes of our customers.
Additional ancillary activities
The focus of our activity is logistics, but in order to be of even greater support to you online traders, we also have additional optional services.
Call center - Phone order confirmation is a useful service as it reduces the rate of returns.
Dynamic Facebook advertising - Thanks to our many years of experience in the field of online commerce, we still maintain a team of specialists who know how not just to advertise, but to sell online.
Business consultation - no matter what questions you have, we are here to talk and share our knowledge in the given field. We offer live and online consultations by appointment.
Full accountability
By far our biggest advantage over other fulfillment centers in the country is our own warehouse software.
By limiting the human factor in logistics as much as possible, we reduce the possibility of making any mistakes. The more technologically automated the processes, the higher the quality of the service. All our efforts are precisely in this direction. Our fulfillment center can do more for your business than you can do yourself.
Contact us now. We are waiting for you.